High Mowing Organic Seeds
We have been growing High Mowing Seeds for our farm and nursery starts since we started farming 10 years ago. We love the Organic variety, and the high germination rates and quality of what the seeds grow.
Basil, Genovese – Basil lovers unanimously recommend Genovese as the best variety for pesto! Plants are strong producers of dark green, glossy leaves with a characteristic spoon shape, exceptionally tender texture and distinctive sweet flavor excellent in sauces and cooking.
Beets, Guardsmark Chioggia – Unique and beautiful candy-striped beet. Alternating rings of dark red and white make this variety a popular choice for specialty markets.
Carrots, Starburst Blend – This rainbow of sweet and crunchy roots will delight people of all ages with striking shades of white, yellow, orange and purple.
Chard, Rainbow Blend Chard – Striking improved blend of red, pink, white, yellow and gold stems. Upright habit makes for clean production and easy harvesting.
Cilantro, Santo – The commercial standard for field bunching. Very bolt-resistant variety with good flavor and excellent upright habit for easy harvesting. Fast-growing variety great for cut-and-come-again.
Corn, Mirage – Attractive ears with wonderfully tender, sweet kernels that melt in your mouth! Ears start 2.5′ from the ground for easy harvest and are well wrapped in dark green husks. Plants are 7′ tall and average 2 ears per plant with 16 rows of kernels each.
Corn, Glass Gem – Glassy, translucent kernels of unparalleled beauty. Plants are strong, reaching 8-10′ tall and high-yielding. Each 5-8″ ear displays a gorgeous, unique variation of colors ranging from purples, greens and blues to oranges, yellows, pinks and deep reds.
Cucumbers, Marketmore 76 – Dark green fruits stay green and mild-tasting even under heat stress, while multiple disease resistances keep plants vigorous and highly productive across a long picking season.
Cucumbers, National Pickling – Short, thick cukes with blunt ends are perfect for pickles and delicious in salads. Fruits have striped, medium green skin and a slightly tapered shape to fit in a pickle jar. A heavy producer with black spines.
Dill, Bouquet – The most widely-grown organic dill for fresh eating, flowers and seed heads. A versatile, early-maturing variety used for fresh leaves, seedhead production and cut flowers
Flowers, Evening Colors Sunflower –Â Each plant carries an amazing variety of gold and pale yellow flowers with dusty rose to pink rings.
Flowers, Hopi Black Dye Sunflower – A Hopi heirloom prized for its purple-black seeds, used especially for coloring baskets.
Flowers, Country Fair Blend Zinnias –Â Warm-toned mix of pink, orange, purple, red and gold blooms. An excellent cut flower that blooms until frost; the more you cut the more they grow! 2-5″ blooms ideal for borders and bouquets.
Flowers, Nasturtium Blend – Attractive, sunny mix of yellow, orange, rose and crimson flowers on trailing plants. Delicate lilypad-like leaves are just as attractive as the bright flowers. Edible flowers and foliage are a gourmet treat with flavor reminiscent of peppery watercress. Perfect for hanging baskets, containers or in the garden.
Green Beans, Provider – Provider comes through every year with early, heavy yields of attractive, uniform beans. Plants are vigorous and productive with strong root systems, even under adverse conditions.
Kale, Vates – Curly kale with dark green leaves for baby leaf or dwarf full size plants. Short, sturdy plants are prolific when planted in the spring or fall. Curly leaf shape makes this kale perfect for kale chips, raw salads, and soups.
Lettuce, Tokyo Bekana – Lime green leaves have gently ruffled edges and a white mid-rib. A lettucy-mustard green resembling Black Seeded Simpson; an excellent baby green for adding loft and weight to mixes.
Onions, Parade Bunching – We’ve never seen such a uniform, upright bunching onion, not a single leaf leaning over. Gorgeous rows of dark green and vigorous stalks with no bulbing at all, making cleaning easy and quick. Parade has a nice, mild onion flavor.
Pak Choy, Bopak Pak Choi – Compact plants hosting densely growing, brilliant green leaves on striking white stems.The first organic hybrid pac choy on the market and an AAS winner, plants are exceptional in form, flavor and performance, and extremely slow to bolt.
Peas, Sweet Gem Sugar Pea – Strong, sturdy plants that resist lodging and produce abundant harvests of light green pods. Plants and pods are clean, making for uniform and efficient harvests. Vines top out at 45-52″ and have strong resistance to powdery mildew. Excellent flavor with satisfying, crisp texture, and juicy flesh.
Radish, French Breakfast – A French classic with oblong, blunt-tipped shape and healthy radish spiciness. Try them raw with butter and salt, or butter poached with sourdough bread and fresh herbs. Harvest regularly; may become pithy if harvested late.
Radish, Watermelon – White-skinned radish with mildly sweet vibrant pink flesh for fall salads. Chinese ball-shaped radish with crispy bright pink flesh, white skin and green shoulders. Excellent in salads, as a garnish or cooked. Best grown in fall and can store through the winter.
Spinach, Butterfly –Â Productive variety sporting very large, glossy dark green leaves with rich flavor. Butterflay stole the show among the hybrid and open-pollinated spinach varieties in our fall trials, exhibiting better vigor and emergence than any other variety, as well as unmatched intense green color.