Affinity Farm Seeds


Our friends Kelly and Russell have been farming for over 20 years in Moscow, ID, selling at the Moscow Farmers Market, local restaurants, and to the Moscow Food Coop.  They have been growing seeds for the past several years that they sell to Snake River Seed Coop, Fedco Seeds, and other small seed companies.  This is the first year that they have their own Affinity Farm seed packages, and we couldn’t be more excited to have them at our farm store!

Affinity Farm is on the northern edge of Moscow, Idaho, and proud to be Certified Organic by the State of Idaho. The seeds they grow are locally adapted, grown just 70 miles from here, and are all great for our inland northwest growing climate.



Astro – Classic. Mildly spicy. Heat tolerant. Succession plant for continued harvests.

Sylvetta Grazia – Spicy, cold and heat tolerant. Slower to bolt. Smaller and more pungent than regular arugula. Succession plant for continued harvest.

Basil, Tulsi – Also called Holy Basil. Incredibly aromatic plant. Leaves make excellent, flavorful and healthy tea when dried. Lovely to be around for humans and pollinators.


Baby Lettuce, Affinity Mix – A diverse array of colorful oak-leaves supported by some reds and ruffles. Succession plant for continued harvests.

Brune d’Hiver – Cold tolerant French heirloom. Open romaine habit with Batavian crunch. Green with reddish-amber tinted leaves.

Forellenschluss Romaine – Heat tolerant apple-green leaves with red speckles. Tender and delicious.

North Pole Butterhead – Cold tolerant, beautiful, bright green butterhead. Grow in shoulder seasons, will bolt in heat.

Pirate Butterhead – Blanched green hearts with red tinted outer leaves. Tender and delicious.

Red Romaine – Beautiful open red romaine with green hearts. Grows well spring through fall.

Onion, Rosa di Milano – Italian Heirloom. Medium to large blocky red inion with the perfect balance between sweet and pungent. Excellent storage.


Antohi Romanian – Romanian Heirloom. Productive, early and sweet. Red, thick-walled 4″ peppers wells adapted to our norther climate.

King of the North – Large, red, thick-walled, classic Bell Pepper. Well adapted to our northern climate.

Lil’ Hottie – De-hybridized Super Chili. Compact plants produce early, abundant HOT, red 2″ little hotties.

Lipstick – Productive, sweet, red, 4″ tapered, thick fleshed pimento-type pepper that is delicious fresh or cooked.

Radish, Plum Purple – Mild, sweet, and crisp with purple skin and white flesh.


Black Cherry – Beautiful, delicious, rich  heirloom flavor in a small package. Indeterminate.

Snow White Cherry – Abundant pale yellow fruits with delicious, rich flavor on vigorous indeterminate plants.

San Marzano – Heirloom paste tomato. 3-5″ oblong, red fruits with great flavor. Indeterminate.

Latah – Our earliest tomato. Small to medium, red and flavorful. Best in class for extreme early compact determinate varieties.

Paul Robeson – A high quality heirloom with beautiful, large, dark red fruits. Rich delicious, rich, well-rounded flavor. Indeterminate.

Malachite Box – A farm favorite. Rich emerald green with yellow tint when ripe. Wins blind taste tests. Medium-large slicer. Indeterminate.

Oregon Spring – Prolific plant produces large, red, delicious fruits. Bred at OSU to perform in cooler climates.

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